the portraits and such that i’ve been doing in my sketchbooks seem to have gotten a nice response but i doubt i’d ever be asked to do something like that for the editorial illustration jobs that i think i’d like to get. and so i’m going to embark on a bunch of experiments to figure out how best to go about fully illustrating pieces in a way that i’m happy with.
it’s been interesting so far. i’m convinced that i will never be a photoshop guru but i don’t think i want to be. the number of things that seem to be possible doesn’t seem to have a limit. to boot, i don’t find a lot of the ways to do these things very intuitive but maybe i’m just a r’tard. besides, i love the tangibility of hand drawing and inking or painting the base and then finishing off the colour digitally. illustrators of old must’ve been gods without the tools that seem to be standard today.
anyway this is the first little test. this didn’t actually take me that long but maybe you can tell already by how appalled you probably are at it. ha ha.

here’s a personal / promotional illustration of mine own. enjoy.

it seems i relate a lot of things to music. IF’s topic is tango but i kept thinking of waltz #2 – one of my favourite songs. i can’t really think of many songs that actually employ a waltz tempo these days. either way he seemed to dance a fine line between many elements over his life time but his talent was pretty undeniable. i’m not the best of guitar players but his ability was pretty crazy – try playing angeles. elliott’s music could probably be described as sombre in general but i suppose that depends on how you’re looking at it. if you haven’t heard of him, you probably heard his stuff if you checked out good will hunting. anyway, i say his stuff is worth the listen. while you’re at it, go listen to between the bars and pitseleh. go. elliott smith in moleskine, 8×10″

so i went to the
bad day issue #3 launch and picked up the mag. true to form,
sebastien‘s ad is in it, complete with my little drawing. a lot of people piled into a relatively small space but it seemed like a success so kudos to the kids running that popsicle stand. the original drawing can be viewed
i’m thinking (and hoping!) that this could be the start of something for me. all along i thought more traditional fine art would’ve been my preferred route but for the time being, i think i like the way this illustration thing seems and sounds. i was asked to design a logo and flyer for an event (which i’ll definitely touch on later) and my experience with that seemed like a mini version of what this stuff might really be like (according to my
graphic designer friend). if it doesn’t lead anywhere, at least i’ll have tried, ha ha. but you never know, right?!?! wish me luck!