donny nguyen.
donny nguyen.
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Request #4

actually, the word she used was sate but hey. she tactfully asked for a portrait but i thought i’d subject her to my wacky placement choices. sucka! actually, i hope she likes this, ha ha. i picked from a few facebook photos and am assuming her drummer boy better half was the image capturing apparatus. ballpoint pen, 10 x 9″, in moleskine.

so this one was a little different. the latest request was for some house wiring. an image was provided so i just went off of that. i hope this lives up to whatever was expected of it. thanks.

badday - sebastien grainger

so i went to the bad day issue #3 launch and picked up the mag. true to form, sebastien‘s ad is in it, complete with my little drawing. a lot of people piled into a relatively small space but it seemed like a success so kudos to the kids running that popsicle stand. the original drawing can be viewed here.
i’m thinking (and hoping!) that this could be the start of something for me. all along i thought more traditional fine art would’ve been my preferred route but for the time being, i think i like the way this illustration thing seems and sounds. i was asked to design a logo and flyer for an event (which i’ll definitely touch on later) and my experience with that seemed like a mini version of what this stuff might really be like (according to my graphic designer friend). if it doesn’t lead anywhere, at least i’ll have tried, ha ha. but you never know, right?!?! wish me luck!


so this one won’t make much sense to just about everyone. this was requested by dave. he, kartik, and i had classes together. in and among our shenanigans (that’s right, not just mine) doodles came about and somehow this one (probably the leftmost actually) got called a doneus. i honestly can’t recall who came up with the doodle but i’m pretty sure i didn’t come up the name, ha ha. being the nerds that we were are, a catchphrase goes along with this and it goes sorta…something…like…