donny nguyen.
donny nguyen.
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st vincent

st vincent has an album coming out soon and i think i’m looking forward to it (i try not to do this because the albums invariably end up failing to deliver). the strangers sounds pretty solid though so hopefully that’s a sign of things to come. regardless, her voice is pretty amazing. a great bit about her first album, marry me, is that its name supposedly stems from arrested development. annie clark in moleskine, 8×10″

Request #4

actually, the word she used was sate but hey. she tactfully asked for a portrait but i thought i’d subject her to my wacky placement choices. sucka! actually, i hope she likes this, ha ha. i picked from a few facebook photos and am assuming her drummer boy better half was the image capturing apparatus. ballpoint pen, 10 x 9″, in moleskine.

national capital rockers 001
i’ve been checking out andrew carver’s blog for a while and he has a tonne of photos of various bands which i sometimes use as references for my ‘band life drawings.’ even though these are from stills i like to think of them as life drawings considering that a lot of these musicians strike some similar poses whether they like to think so or not. there’s so much going on at these shows that these frozen moments in time are pretty interesting to see, at least to me. bison b.c., critical convictions, and barn burner via the national capital rock blog, in moleskine.

life & print

my gymbag & mittens and a photo by gary steer. ballpoint pen in moleskine.


so metric‘s next album is making it’s way out there and i think i really like it – possibly my favourite so far. i’ve been checking their site and have come to appreciate the process exposure for what seems to be their first single (help, i’m alive). i remember being unsure if i’d like even this song after hearing the, er, soft, skeleton of its origins. having heard the couple of versions in between and the finished product, i’m pleasantly surprised especially considering that i haven’t been overly happy with the albums that i’ve been anticipating. original photos by carrie musgrave. metric in moleskine.

gordon ramsay

i’m not much for reality tv but i find ramsay’s show pretty entertaining. some of the people they choose are brilliant for the show but absolute dolts in the kitchen. a culinary instructor who never went to culinary school? he’s right, she is a damn thief!! hahaha. amazingly and ironically, the vast majority of the images i searched for had him smiling and being a nice guy. gordon ramsay in moleskine.

antirorschach - daria

it’s probably not the most original idea but ever since i started ignoring boundaries created by the the folds / bindings in my sketchbooks i don’t think i’ve consciously used them as part of the concept. hell, this anti-rorschach (bad label?) concept itself probably isn’t original at all. i’ll give it a few more goes and see what the results look like. maybe you will too. daria werbowy, anti-rorschached, in moleskine.

so this one was a little different. the latest request was for some house wiring. an image was provided so i just went off of that. i hope this lives up to whatever was expected of it. thanks.


…what polly usually wants? i just got over a pretty bad bout of food poisoning, for which i was given chicken soup and saltines. i haven’t had those crackers in years, seriously. that’s my random train of thought behind putting this doodle up. also, i’m not going to eat any hot genoa salami for a while. a parrot (from a friend’s photo) in moleskine.

nigella lawson

when i did have access to cable, the food network would have been a main ingredient in the pie graph that depicted my jelly telly consumption habits. a pound of butter would always help nigella’s recipes out, especially the bacon-only ones. and who doesn’t like butter? seriously, i love her guacamole recipe. she feasts, she bites, she’s a domestic goddess and she can show you how to eat; nigella lawson in moleskine.