donny nguyen.
donny nguyen.
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gila monster


While poisonous, their venom hasn’t reportedly killed anyone yet. Not many lizards are actually poisonous, interestingly enough. They’re the largest lizards indigenous to the U.S., weighing in at about five pounds. They actually only feed a handful of times a year so I wonder how big they’d be if they ate more regularly. When they do feed though, they can eat up to a third of their bodyweight. That’s a fair amount of food. Also, they’re protection status is threatened.

ford nation


I haven’t done an illo or a portrait in quite some time and this idea has been stewing in my head for a while. Perhaps I’m late to the party on it but methinks that somehow it’s going to get re-started come October, maybe even well before then. Mealsothinks that somehow this will not be used for his campaign. Maybe because of the colour? I can’t quite put my finger on why not…



Gibbons are the most avid walkers of the primate family yet they seem to travel most efficiently by swinging, or brachiating, through trees. A single swing can cover nearly fifteen metres. Another thing that sets them apart is that they’re actually monogamous, which many primates are not. And to stand out still, they are the most endangered.

giant squid

these are the largest of all invertebrates on earth. like giant. like big as a bus giant. of their ten arms, two are for longer for feeding. i believe this is characteristic of all squid. they seem to inhabit the deepest part of the oceans which has made studying and understanding them difficult. i suddenly want some calamari.

A little while ago, I mentioned that a couple of my drawings would be included in Helen Birch‘s book, Freehand. I’m happy to say that I got a copy and it’s a nice little book! It’s pretty fun to see even my lowly drawings in print every now and then. Helen had some pretty nice things to say too, very flattering! There are nice pieces from a huge variety of artists—be sure to have a flip through if you come across it. Thanks again to Helen and also the folks at Rotovision.




Freehand Cover

Here’s some fun news. Helen Birch got in contact with me a while ago about including some of my drawings in a book she was putting together. Well, the book comes out in September.

Can you spot my stuff?


Freehand Preview 2


Here’s Rotovision’s preview of it: