donny nguyen.
donny nguyen.
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Malika‘s work is just…wow. While I love to see fine detail in certain works, the amazing thing about Malika’s work is how pared down it is without losing a sense of richness and depth. And it’s vivid both colourfully and content-wise. Her Kama Sutra project is all at once hilarious, witty, naughty, and fun. This is a way of working I had thought about trying to accomplish on my own after spending so much time in Illustrator lately and prior to having seen Malika’s stuff. Now that I have, well, what’s the point when she does it so well already?  Still, it might be fun to try and play with.


malikafavre_Fabric_cover Bond_OB_clean


Freehand Cover

Here’s some fun news. Helen Birch got in contact with me a while ago about including some of my drawings in a book she was putting together. Well, the book comes out in September.

Can you spot my stuff?


Freehand Preview 2


Here’s Rotovision’s preview of it:

It’s been a few years since I refreshed the site so here it is. A little bit cleaner, a little bit simpler, and hopefully easier to see stuff. Now it’s time to go make more stuff. I guess.

There are probably bugs to work out still so apologies for that and feel free to let me know what’s gone awry.

If you care to see the previous version of the site, you can see it here.
