donny nguyen.
donny nguyen.
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MuseMovement Home Page

I’ve been meaning to post about this for a few weeks now but…life, I suppose. Life. It’s so good but it’s busy.

At any rate, I was able to provide a helping hand with a redesign for a local yoga / pilates studio—the newly opened MuseMovement Studio. This was probably the tightest timeline I’ve been able to meet in quite some time but we were able to bang out something that met the studio’s vision. Much of the design work was fleshed out beforehand which helped provide some structure and direction that ultimately informed the finished product. I have to say the studio owner was quite a trooper as she had to deal with not only the logistics of finding and opening up a new space in a physical sense but also this digital one.

I also got to do the photography and few of the those shots are on the site at the moment. That was pretty fun.

If you’re in the market to try a new studio, perhaps check them out. They offer yoga, pilates, and rehabilitation therapy (with some spiffy new reformer to boot) with a roster of teachers that’s already grown in the few weeks it’s been since the site went live.

MuseMovement Teachers

It’s been a few years since I refreshed the site so here it is. A little bit cleaner, a little bit simpler, and hopefully easier to see stuff. Now it’s time to go make more stuff. I guess.

There are probably bugs to work out still so apologies for that and feel free to let me know what’s gone awry.

If you care to see the previous version of the site, you can see it here.
