donny nguyen.
donny nguyen.
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#sam weber

the crow procedure

sam is jillian‘s husband. that’s how i found out about him. these two are gonna have some pretty talented little kiddies, ha ha. i had seen his (and her) work quite a few times online and in magazines before really knowing it was his. anyway, he recently redesigned his site (no pop ups!) and i am all for the minimalist approach to it. his work is pretty spectacular. it seems to usually have a dark undertone to it yet everything looks elaborately delicate.

so i’m really just seeing if this whole blogging thing appeals to me. i’m not much for diaries so i’m not even really sure why i’m bothering with this except to give me a reason to try to doodle in my sketchbook(s) more regularly. i guess the prospect of the odd person actually following along would make me get off my ass to try and update things somewhat frequently. i do do work on more proper pieces but they take me forever. maybe works in progress will go up. artsy fartsy attempts at photography too.

i have to admit i’ve been partially inspired to do this by the likes of some very talented illustrators: james jean (blog); jillian tamaki – i lived beside her in uni! (blog); jill`s husband, sam; aitor throup`s stuff is cool too; etc. they`ve managed to make a living at what will probably only ever end up being my hobby. maybe i can make something more of it over time. lately i feel like time is running out for me so i`m trying to get my act together to at least try.

some potentially ugly stuff is gonna be posted; pieces are the place to try to get things right. my sketch is basically where i go buck and failures run rampant but it’s usually fun either way. for me.

here’s an oldie to start.
