donny nguyen.
donny nguyen.
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yolo to

YOLO T.O. is a new Toronto street food venture and the owners reached out to me to help them create a logo. By now I think many people are familiar with what YOLO stands for and it was an interesting and challenging concept to illustrate. We explored a lot of avenues but we were very happy to choose the finished product you see above. The colour scheme will be adaptable to fit different themes and events as the good folks at YOLO T.O. see fit. I’m excited to see what they do with the colours.

YOLO T.O. will debut their food at the next Toronto Underground Market event that’s going down this weekend. If you can make it, show them some love. Their food sounds pretty good. Their site is still a work in progress but you can check out their Facebook and Twitter pages to get the latest info.
