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donny nguyen.
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#leslie nielsen

you can now get your “a blaffair to rememblack” and the more recent portrait of leslie nielsen through society 6. tell all your friends! thanks in advance!

ablaffairtorememblack leslie nielsen


leslie nielsen

leslie nielsen passed away on the 28th. he kind of fell out focus (at least with me) but understandably so considering how old he was – how many people keep working after a certain point? i kind of grew up on his movies in that his were the comedies that were sort of prevalent / popular when i was young and my dad loved them. and i watched what he watched. who didn’t see airplane? or the naked gun movies?

i had no idea how prolific nielsen was. he was in more than a hundred films and appeared in more than fifteen hundred tv programs. that’s just crazy. he lived a pretty decently long life (eighty four years), has stars on the canadian and hollywood walks of fame, and is an officer of the order of canada. rest in peace. i won’t call you shirley.