donny nguyen.
donny nguyen.
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amanda nedham

i was able to check out amanda’s tapping the admiral show at the le gallery and i have to say her drawings up close are incredible. i first heard of amanda through blogTO where she has a feature. when i first saw some of her drawings there, i thought they were pretty great. well put together. deconstructed. detailed. elaborate. painterly. i could go on. when she launched her site, the thumbnails showed a whole other dimension to her work. seeing it up close only awed me even more. if you have a chance and you’re in the toronto area, check out her stuff while it’s still there. i haven’t touched graphite in the longest time but i’m now inspired to go back to it. just as soon as i’m done the projects i’m already working on. i hope.

[+] comments

These are absolutely amazing drawings–I’ll have to see what else I can find of her…. THanks!

…im flattered, especially because i appreciate your work so much. thanks for posting these and maybe we can collaborate on something when we both have some free time, perhaps through our blogs…or something