#gilles duceppe
canada votes
considering the saturation of canadian politics in and around this popsicle stand, i decided to draw the (major?) candidates for our nation’s captain’s chair. i’m not overly political usually so rather than try and get exact likenesses, i just tried to let go. i guess if i were pro-any-party, i probably would’ve focused on getting the leader’s portrait right. if i’m not mistaken, a similar situation almost caused an election not to long again, which prompted this little doodle. we shall see what happens. stephen harper, jack layton, gilles duceppe, and michael ignatieff in moleskine.
#bloc quebecois, conservative, drawing, gilles duceppe, jack layton, liberal, michael ignatieff, ndp, politics, stephen harper

i’m not very political but it was kind of funny to me when harper almost got kicked off the helm of this popsicle stand i call my home country…right at the heels of his ridiculous-tax-payer-re-prime-ministerial-power-up. as if the governor general has power!?! she put a cork in the coalition’s plan (so i (might fail to) remember). the prime minister is safe in his seat…for now, ha ha. stephen harper, stéphane dion, gilles duceppe, and jack layton in moleskine.