donny nguyen.
donny nguyen.
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rejected ttc posters, volume 1
rejected ttc posters volume 1
perhaps the toronto peoples will really only appreciate these but i’m sure people in cities with transit systems can generally relate. i’d be willing to bet that the toronto transit commission has a pretty high wtf factor compared to many other transit systems out there. i rely on them like many people in this city and i’m grateful that we even have transit system. i’m sure there are great people working for them but sometimes though, they really do irk me or plainly don’t make sense. if you’ve seen any of their seemingly self made advertising (that seem to only appear within the confines of ttc vehicles!), you’ll know what i mean. that’s basically the inspiration behind these quick little anti-designs. more to come but expect a delay.

[+] comments

How exactly did you get started … sketching wise….?

tough to say though i’m not quite sure about your question. i stopped drawing for a period and realised how much i missed it one day. i just tried to draw as much as possible from that point on.