donny nguyen.
donny nguyen.
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a new bestiary site

new bestiary site

Well, it’s been a long time coming. But. I finished the 300+ drawings for the bestiary right before the end of last year (on target too!) which has been a bit exhaustive but of course fun.

The ultimate expression of this project is a book. This will take some time to get working though. So the next logical step was to rework the site presenting the images. This is now complete. OK, complete-ish as there are probably some kinks to work out. Still. Take a look!

I thought about only showing a selection of the drawings and leaving every last one of them to the book but I think that would be a bit counter to the spirit of the project. I’m toying with the idea of making prints as well but one thing at a time I suppose. For now, it’s time to take a small breather, do some research and see how the final phase can get moving.

Please enjoy.
